Brandon Mulrenin for a riveting discussion of how to be a successful Realtor without being a salesperson. As CEO and founder of Reverse Selling, Brandon shares his unique perspective on how to genuinely connect with prospects and potential clients without the pressure to be pushy. Hint: It’s more about psychology than it is cheesy scripts.
Laurel Starks
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In case you missed it, here is the 30-minute replay of the first Ask the Divorce Lawyers episode!
The #1 question I get from Realtors about the divorce niche:
This market is a challenge on many levels and the shortage of inventory is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Homeowners don't want to put their house on the market because there's no available housing for them to move to, so they keep the market starved.....and round and round we go.
Same-Sex Divorce Listings
Jun 14, 2021 2:19:55 PM / by Laurel Starks posted in Divorce Files
From Dialing for Dollars to Inbound Attorney Referrals: How a CDRE made the shift
May 26, 2021 1:53:18 PM / by Laurel Starks
The grind was brutal. Cold calling Expireds and FSBOs, Kwaku had a split second to blurt out a winning script amidst a sea of other Realtors, all vying for the same listing. 50% of his lead gen efforts were spent on this, yet they comprised only 15% of his closings. The rest of his business was sphere referral, but that is unpredictable.
He felt like he was knocking his head against a wall, and with a young family to support, he had to find another way before he completely burned out.
After a few divorce listings, he realized he had a knack and the emotional intelligence to succeed at them. “So I decided to pursue a path that created relationships with attorneys who were more than just a one-off deal. Each relationship with an attorney is like having an account that leads to lifelong business. They are exponentially more fruitful.”
ANSWER: There are at least three components that must be satisfied or they can torpedo your buyer's purchase: