Today's tap is about the end of painful pasts, and the start of new beginnings. Join me in raising a glass to the start a new era - one of freedom, dignity, and hope. |
The Divorce Niche Bootcamp
Jun 19, 2020 3:20:01 PM / by Laurel Starks posted in Real Estate Divorce Expert
Work your purpose...
People get married for a variety of reasons. Love, companionship, dreams of having a family, fear of being alone are some of the reasons - and lend credence to the fact that emotions are what drives people into marriage.
Sweetening the lemon
Jun 12, 2020 4:21:57 PM / by Nikki Mason posted in on tap this friday
This weekend, raise a glass to all of the things going right in your world. Take a moment to lean into the things you can control, and vow to make a baby-step punch list of what you will accomplish next week. See you next Friday!
Baby Steps ...
Jun 12, 2020 4:18:37 PM / by Laurel Starks posted in divorce listing pro tip
The reality of a divorcing homeowner is one of fear, paralyzation, overwhelm, sadness, anger, and that's just the beginning.
Focus on what you can control
Jun 12, 2020 4:01:16 PM / by Laurel Starks posted in CDRE™ Spotlight
Jose Morales, CDRE™, graduated Cum Laude with a Business Administration Finance degree from Cal State Northridge.
Today is the three-month mark of our nation being declared in a state of emergency, and this notion of "quarantining" began. It was supposed to be for two weeks, and the reality is - it's somewhat indefinite.
The Power of Conversation
Jun 9, 2020 8:12:48 AM / by Laurel Starks posted in Ilumni Friday
I've been at a loss as to what to do or say lately. Do I have a role? Am I part of the problem? Will I offend anyone if I say this, or that? What is the solution, or is it too soon to figure that out yet? What can I do? |
The Conversation Starter
Jun 5, 2020 4:00:00 PM / by Nikki Mason posted in on tap this friday
On Tap This Friday!
This weekend, join me in initiating meaningful conversations. In and amongst the conflict and rage, there is peace and support inside of all of us. Give the gift of your time and attention - it's one of the most valuable things you have to offer! |
The Power of Listening
Jun 5, 2020 1:23:00 PM / by Laurel Starks posted in divorce listing pro tip
Divorce Listing Pro Tip!
One of our CDREs posted the question: "What is the best way to respond to a divorce client (wife) who is highly hostile and abusive to me in email (not so on the phone in person)?"