Divorce and Real Estate News | Ilumni Institute

The Conversation Starter

Written by Nikki Mason | Jun 5, 2020 11:00:00 PM

On Tap This Friday!

This weekend, join me in initiating meaningful conversations. In and amongst the conflict and rage, there is peace and support inside of all of us. Give the gift of your time and attention - it's one of the most valuable things you have to offer!

the conversation starter

  • 1.5 Oz Vodka
  • 1.5 Oz Brandy
  • 1 Tsp Sherry
  • 1.5 Oz Brut Champagne

Stir the vodka, brandy, and sherry well with cracked ice. Then strain into a chilled cocktail glass and add brut champagne. 


Sit back, relax, and listen on....

What's on Tap is brought to you by our Director of Fun, Nikki Mason